Flutter Firebase Realtime Database with http 👑 It’s a magic 🎩
Hi Flutter Lovers 🤠
In this article, I will make awesomeeee dynamic education app.
Let’s start 👩🏽💻
1 — Application UI
I will use the design that I prepared for free in Figma. You can customize it according to your own design.
In the previous lessons, I explained Bottom navigation a
add a firebase your flutter project
In this article, I will focus on using the Firebase Realtime Database.
1 ) Firstly, I create Lesson model for our lesson list. I created lib/models folder and lesson.dart file.
2 ) Firebase gives us the reference url. Let’s write the method that gives our lesson list with the http package using this url.
3) And let’s create the cute user interface design. I created lib/screens folder and learn_page.dart file.
Our awesome application is ready. 🕺🏻🤩
You can access the project from my Github account.👩🏽💻